IP Subnet Calculator Tool
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When multiple computers are linked together through a telecommunications system, it is called a computer network.
We can’t have direct conversations with every computer on a real network because those networks are so huge.
As a result, we partition networks into smaller units, which are known as subnetworks.
The necessity to allocate physical locations to various entities is still another justification.
One or more subnets form a local area network (LAN).
The prefix of an IP address is standard across all network devices in a subnet.
Routers provide communication between different networks.
It is also beneficial to performance to divide a network into smaller pieces.
You may find out what kind of network data is associated with a specific address block with this subnet calculator.
Although it is possible to mentally divide a huge network into smaller ones and assign IP address ranges to each team, it is always a good idea to have a way to verify your subnet calculations before setting them up in the router.